Today I'm thankful for...
Being home and getting back into routines
Seeing everything in a positive light
Riding my bike in the woods up the mountain
Happy family
I'm so grateful to be getting into the new school year, and it seems that our family is starting out a brand new year? I know that as every new day begins that is a chance for each of us to start fresh. I wake up each morning thinking about not only how lucky that I truly I am; but also, how I can make this day just a little better then yesterday? I'm starting to see how my attitude makes all the difference on how my day will turn out. Now everyday is more special then the last.
Our family returned from the bay area Sunday night after a long weekend of doctor appointments and family/friends bonding time. Lulu had a appointment at the UCSF cancer clinic last Friday. Lulu had the usual blood test to check her estrogen levels, white blood cells, and the effects of the Sutent drug. Then she got her monthly shot of estrogen blocking drug in the infusion center on the 5th floor (this the the same area that Lulu had the weekly chemotherapy treatments). Then she had her appointment to see the oncologist and director of the trial drug treatment. The good news is that Lulu's estrogen levels are coming down from being very high the last few months. Hopefully if this trend continues, Lulu might avoid Ovaries surgery in the near future? On the not so good side the Sutent drug trial is reducing Lulu's white blood cell counts (neutrophils), and the oncologist was concerned enough to tell her that she should avoid contact with any person that is sick or could be potentially sick. This may be a cause for concern, since we are coming into the cold and flu winter season, and Lulu works daily on sick little patients in the office. We'll have to evaluate this more in the near future, of course, we want Lulu to be protected from preventable illness. Overall, we both felt that this appointment was very positive, but the complete blood test results will not be know until later this week?
Lulu's preparing herself for the Breast surgery next Thursday. She has said that she is excited to get the expander's replaced with the softer implants, but has some reservations about having the surgery. I can tell that she's worried, but is looking forward to getting this next phase of the recovery (implant surgery) over with. Who can blame her? I'm just glad that I can be there for her, and hold her hand through whole thing. We will be driving down to SF on Wednesday afternoon for her early Friday morning surgery time, and she is to discharged by Friday afternoon. We are hoping to be able to return to Reno on Friday night? I think that some of Lulu's family will be flying into SF to join her in the time that she needs us the most? I know that having as many friends and family around is very comforting for her, so I'm glad to have them. I know as the day approaches I will be even more concerned about the surgery and it's success (if that's possible, because it's continuously on my mind?). She knows that her praying network is vast, and that everyone will be saying a little prayer for her, or sending positive thoughts before, during, and after her surgery. There's comfort knowing that so many people will be with her in spirit.