Today I'm grateful for...
The up coming holidays with family
Thinking clearly through all the adversity
My kids
I've had good intentions about updating everything that's been happening in our lives, but my computer been having some issues and wouldn't hold a charge. Hopefully, that little problem is behind us? Where do I begin? Lulu and I have another trip down to see the doctors at the cancer clinic this Wednesday. I believe the agenda has her seeing the oncologist, the plastic surgeon, the gynecologist, getting her monthly shot to reduce her estrogen levels, and having a ultrasound done on her ovaries. Wow, now that's a complete day?
We are hoping the answers that we hear are positive for Lulu's health. On our last visit with the oncologist just a week ago, Lulu was told that she "might want to have her ovaries out"? I could see that she wasn't real excited about the suggestion, but I think that both of us knew that the prospect with there. Later we would discuss why her ovaries were taken out during one of her other 3 or 4 surgeries? Now she's looking at another surgery possibility coming up? Just maybe will we get some news during our appointments on Wednesday, and that she might not need to have this surgery? I think though we both know that having this procedure would help improve her health.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Busy Halloween

Today I'm thinking about...
The balance between being busy and having enough time
Filling my days with sharing time with my kids
Seeing the great in all those around me
Having so many people that care so much
What busy week. After returning from San Francisco on Saturday afternoon with Lulu, the week has been filled with many family pack togetherness and work. Of course we have been keeping an eye on Lulu's healing after Friday's surgery. I think that the first two or three days was difficult for her to recover her energy? By Tuesday she seemed to have some of the Molina spunk back? I've always heard about patients that are dealing with cancer treatments starting out strong, but after a while the accumulative effects of all the emotional ups and downs just really begin to wear them down. I think this is exactly what has been happening to Lulu (and me)? I have noticed that our attitudes about the care she's getting, and the treatments that are needed we just aren't as optimistic as we once were.
The repairs on Lulu's breast seem to be healing well now that the implant has been taken out, and some new tissue has been placed on the site? Though we're both skeptical about the doctors assurance that this surgery will allow the area to heal properly. So far it's looking good, besides the blistering of the tissues around the lateral border of the surgical site. What's this from; who knows, but it quite sore for Lulu. She also complaining that the drain they placed into the breast is very uncomfortable, and when we return in a week that she wishing that the doctors will be able to remove it? I'm so proud of her dealing with this latest set back. Besides being a little skeptical of the treatment, she hasn't really complained much about the whole thing. I know if I was just cut on a fourth time, had blisters on my breasts, and had to put up with walking around with a tube and bottle sticking out of my chest, I would a huge pain in the butt to be around. I just pay that she will heal quickly and that she can get the drains removed next week, and be on her way to recovery. I think that she deal with enough adversity these last 15 months?
I'm not sure if I had mentioned the fact that the oncologist and the surgeons have elected to take Lulu off all three of the cancer treatments that she was on. They seem to think that there's a possibility that these medications may be contributing to Lulu's inability to heal? This is a great concern to us. These medication are the standard protocol for Stage III breast cancer patients and have been used for years for the prevention of recurrence of the cancer. Without these drugs the chances of either a return of the cancer in the breast or a metastasis of the cancer in other part of her body increase. They say that after Lulu heals they will get her back onto the regiment of the drugs, but so she can heal they think that the risk is warranted? There's times that you just have to have faith that the doctors know best and the treatments they recommend are the ones that are going to work? However, knowing what the consequences of not taking the chemotherapy drugs are, we pray daily that she will heal quickly so that she can return to these drugs?
On Sunday night our family met up with friends for a Halloween trick or treating escapade and we had a lot of fun. The boys love the Marios brothers and they each picked an outfit from the game. Carter was Yoshi, Hamilton was Mario, and Lourdes baby peach. Thomas didn't want to be part of the group, so he picked Captain Jack Sparrow form the Pirates of the Caribbean. Thomas likes to do his own thing. After hours of running from house to house (I didn't need to work out today) we returned home to organize the candy. Being dentist, our rule is the kids can pick out their favorite 10 pieces of candy and the rest gets recycled. (I think the kids have more fun figuring out what candy to keep then even eating it?). I have posted a couple of pictures from our Halloween evening I think you'll enjoy? I hope that it was a fun filled holiday for you too?
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