Today I'm grateful for...
Having Daddy time with the boys
Back feeling good
My Zero Gravity chair
A fantastic life
Baby Lourdes and Lulu doing well
Lulu has been keeping her spirits up under the circumstanc es. She's trying so hard to stay pregnant, so Baby Lourdes can develop, grow, and be born and will not have to spend time in the Neonatal intensive care unit. Starting at around 8 PM Lulu begins to have feelings of premature contraction s, though they are small and greatly spaced. No one seemed to concerned at the time, but more tested were ordered.
I have been visiting Lulu daily in room #7, and I would stay for as long as possible. If anyone has been in a similar situation you could understand those conflicting feelings between being there for my wife and unborn daughter, and taking care of the three boys that need attention. I knew that I needed to be there for the boys as the school year at Snows was ending and there were lunches to make, teeth to brush, clothes to wash, arguments to break up, graduations to attend (kindergrar den for Thomas), and baths to take (if only on occasion). I was really enjoying the quality time I got to spend with the boys, though we were all sad that their Mom couldn't enjoy this time together.
I found myself really enjoying the patient care at the office and the re-acquaint ance with many of the patients that I had shared with Dr. Molina over the 10 years that we practiced together. I had missed more of the last two years with back issues (having two back surgeries). I found my day would consist of getting to the office by either 6:15 or 7:15 leaving by 5 to St. Mary's to visit Lulu and pray with her that Baby Lourdes wouldn't be born yet.
I was very grateful that we have such a great team at Dentistry for Kids and equally fantastic patients and their parents. With all the changing of the schedule, both the office team and the parents were more than understandi ng when even on short notice we had to re-schedule their child's appointment (s). Our parents were also very accommodati ng when we had asked them to see Dr. Wilkerson instead of Dr. Molina.
Know ing people were being so understandi ng helped immensely to reduce the stresses of the situation. We will never fully be able to return the incredible understandi ng and caring that we've received.
The night ended and a new day, June 1, sprang upon us. We were unprepared for what the first day of the new month had in store for us.
Back feeling good
My Zero Gravity chair
A fantastic life
Baby Lourdes and Lulu doing well
Lulu has been keeping her spirits up under the circumstanc
I have been visiting Lulu daily in room #7, and I would stay for as long as possible. If anyone has been in a similar situation you could understand those conflicting feelings between being there for my wife and unborn daughter, and taking care of the three boys that need attention. I knew that I needed to be there for the boys as the school year at Snows was ending and there were lunches to make, teeth to brush, clothes to wash, arguments to break up, graduations to attend (kindergrar
I found myself really enjoying the patient care at the office and the re-acquaint
I was very grateful that we have such a great team at Dentistry for Kids and equally fantastic patients and their parents. With all the changing of the schedule, both the office team and the parents were more than understandi
The night ended and a new day, June 1, sprang upon us. We were unprepared for what the first day of the new month had in store for us.
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