Today I'm thinking about...
Watching my wife battle back from surgery
My little girl grow up before my eyes
Getting more fit everyday
A loving family to be a part of
=]p-=o'][=]-=nkl[ul;.; this is Lourdes helping me on the computer. She loves to play with the computer, taping on the keys frantically. I'm not sure that she gets more enjoyment out of anything else? It does make my logging the daily trials of the Wilkerson-Molina family more of a challenge. The little princess is starting to get into everything. She's crawling everywhere and can walk holding herself up with furniture, walls, and chairs. I live to watch her explore, learn, play with her brothers. What a sight! As she gets mad at me for not letting her have more time on the keyboard, helping me. The whole family is enjoying a Sunday evening together with games, talking about the fall plans, and what our family's plans are now that Mom has gotten past the most difficult time of her disease?
It's been ten days since Lulu's surgery at UCSF, and just yesterday she was ready to remove the bandages from her surgical area. I think that she was nervous about what the results of the 6 months of expansion and two surgeries was going to produce? I haven't been privy to the surgically altered new breasts; however, she seems quite happy not only with the results, but also with the fact that she gets to take off the mummy wraps. I think that she's been walking with her chest pressed slightly more forward, announcing that she has a little more to show up top. (that could be my imagination, maybe I just think that she proud to be showing off the new version of the breasts). I'm just happy that she's been feeling better after a struggle with the anesthetic from last week's surgery.
This week we will be making another trip to UCSF for the follow up with the plastic surgeon. We will be celebrating 60th trip to San Francisco and back since the first trip down that dreadful late June 2009. I figure that we have saved somewhere around $2000 in gas money by trading in the Toyota Tundra truck for the '07 Prius? (not to mention that I bought the Pruis for about half the cost of the Tundra). Lulu and I both love the quiet ride of the hybrid, and you can't beat the gas mileage (I have average about 45 mpg). We only plan on traveling down to the city once/month for the next 5 to 6 months, and hopefully much less after that? Lulu and I have had some great discussion (dare I say bonding) during those 500 hours in the Pruis. For example; on the way to the surgery appointment last week, Lulu announced that she had bought a new book-on-tape for our mutual enlightenment for the 4.5 hour journey. I knew after the Dr. Laura Schlessinger CD series entitled, The Proper Care and Feeding of your Husband, (which we listened over a couple of trips down during the winter months) I was in for another husband-wife relationship coaching lecture. Sure enough, she had picked out a husbands worse nightmare, How to fill your mate's emotional tank, by speaking your spouse's love language... Lulu was so excited to get the CD started as soon as we left Reno, and I noticed as she was taking out the disc that there were at least four CDs in the case. That's when I realized that I would be listening to the language of love for the next few trips to SF.
The CD started off interesting enough to keep my attention, I didn't dare to yawn or seem uninterested during the program. I actually opened my mind for the learning of some relationship building tools that I could use to strengthen our relationship, and by the middle of the first CD I was thinking that I had really learned a few new techniques to build upon our marriage? I was so engrossed in the possibility of having a stronger relationship with my life partner, I didn't notice that Lulu had fallen asleep under her dark sunglasses. I guess the education was meant for me, and she had all the relationship building figured out? Well her loss, because during the next 3 hours I received a bushel of Cupid arrows for my bow to use with the as much expertise as the cherub himself. When Lulu did finally woke from her beauty sleep and stated that she had learned a great deal from the author, I just said that I wasn't sure that I followed the content and how it related to our marriage? I know until she reads this, I have the advantage in our relationship. Just another way that my wife has enlightened me to become a better husband, lover, and father.
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