Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trying to forget the cancer

This week I'm grateful for...
Getting away with friends for a weekend
Lulu feeling better
Kids liking the new school year
My back feeling better

As I'm sure that you have noticed I'm not updating this journal as regularly as before. I'm finding that working in and on the practice is very time consuming. Having a new born at home that's still trying to get accustomed to her surroundings. Lulu not feeling too well and spends much of her time tired. Taking care of the yard, pool, and house (I enjoy these tasks, but they're time consuming). I can't seem to find time to sit down at the laptop and peek out the daily trials and tribulations of the Molina-Wilkerson's.

Lulu and I don't spend the time we once did on her condition. She's voiced that she has been feeling better this week over last, and the flu like symptoms have mostly gone. Lulu's been staying active away from the office, and I've mostly given up on her slowing down to rest. I guess that her keeping busy helps her to avoid the fact that she is sick, so who am I to interfere with that? She isn't very excited to return to UCSF this Friday for her continuation of the chemotherapy treatment, but the positives are that she only three treatments from completing the regiment. I know that the November surgery is weighing heavily on her mind, and were mostly avoiding the subject. It's hard as a loving husband to know what should be discussed and what things probably are better left alone? We'll get a lot of intimate communication this Friday in the car on the trip down and back (like 9 hours).

Grandma and my brother's youngest daughter, Hannah, are here tonight helping me with Lourdes. Lulu has gone to a party at a friends house, and I'm taking care of the little one's. I've learned to accept any help offered these days, something I wish my independent wife could do more of? Lourdes hasn't yet learned to use her "INSIDE VOICE". She been quite cranky, cholic, and been exercising her vocal cords frequently. Even though Lourdes is close to 4 months old, she is actually developmentally like a new born, so we need to remember that is the normal behavior. I have been immensely joyful holding Lourdes, and being able to care for her as her father. I will miss these days soon as all the kids will be older, so I'm really absorbing every moment that I have with these guys.

I took a few days off to travel to eastern Nevada for a weekend of hard core fishing. (one of the guys I go with calls these yearly trips the "No stinkin' women weekend"). While I battled the Trout, and secluded myself in the middle of the lake, I got some thinking done. I came up with revelations about what direction that I wanted to take in the office. I have been frustrated and I feel that the office hasn't been following our vision statement that hoped to see us accomplish. I knew that we could become better at providing the parents and patients the "Going Beyond Expectations" factor, and I was invigorated with my new plan. I could wait to get back to Reno and research companies that provide and they are know for their explicatory customer service like; Nordstroms, Pottery Barn, and How do these companies provide this day after day, and are known for the care they extend to their clients. I was to be on a mission to find this out and train it as part of the new Dentistry for Kids mission.

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