Today I'm grateful for...
Seeing Dr. Molina go back to loving what she was born to do
Spending a lot of time with the kids
Having a healthy beautiful baby girl
The people in my life
I know it's been a few weeks since I've written in to blog, so what's been up in our life's? Lulu and I are working on strengthen our husband-wife relationship. It's a fact that I think that both of us would agree that the effects of Lulu's breast cancer has helped to grow our love for each other? However, lately as our life's have been settling into a more normal pattern (if you can says that any pattern you follow with a terrible illness like cancer) we have been struggling with the day to day expectations of husband and wife roles, and how we fit them? Though one thing that we have learned in this last year is how to better communicate to resolve these issues. I can also better understand what are the most important things that we discuss at length and what other things that aren't so important.
Lulu's started back to work with the kids at the office, and I'm not sure that I've seen her as tired and at the same time as stimulated as she's been this late week? She's so great at what she does. You have to see how much energy she has when she's caring for the patients. I'm proud of her for wanting to get back to work when she still having some health issues, and at the same time I'm concerned that she's going to overdo it and it could effect her long term health? I know that I have a strong wife, and that it's best that I just let her follow her heart. God with guide her and protect her. I just have to let go of my want to protect my wife, and pray for her long term success.
Lulu and I are fast approaching our 13th year of marriage. Those years have flown by and much has happen to both of us through the years, but I don't think this year we'll be looking back, but instead looking forward to the next decade of sharing our life's together? It's hard to believe that on a Warm humid April Saturday in Puerto Rico that we tied the knot in matrimony. Today I was thinking about how I couldn't ask for a better person to spend my last 13 years with? Lulu and I when out to dinner and a movie to celebrate our big anniversary, and I'm not sure the last time that I have enjoyed her company more?
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