Friday, June 11, 2010

How Iced Tea opened my eyes

Today I'm grateful for...
Having time to enjoy my life
Sharing moments that seem little with my loved ones (every moment is huge to me)
Bret Michael's Trop.A.Rocka diet Snapple iced tea (this is good)
Sharing my bed with a compassionate wife

Lulu's had a drug regiment that seems to increases weekly? I think that she's on four medications now all related to treatment of the cancer or relieving the side effects of the cancer? From Tamoxifen to Centroid and she tells me that she needs to take Ibuprofen daily for the headaches and body aches that she is experiences. I remember many years ago my grandmother at the end of her life showing me her daily pill regiment and the drug organizer that she needed to keep the medications straight. My grandma, Grace, had nothing on Lulu's pill organizer, the thing is big, long, and filled up with many vital drugs. I haven't mentioned the fact that seeing the numbers and types of drugs she needs to down daily has me thinking about not just her mortality, but often all human beings life cycle.

The future is quite uncertain for us? Until Lulu's hyperthyroidism is cured, we have been told that she can't start the trial drug treatment on the bone marrow cancer cells, so we hope that the drugs will quickly stabilizer her thyroid and we can make plans to start treatments at the UCSF cancer clinic? In the mean time we struggle with trying not to think about "what next", and only concentrate on what we can control like what we do with each other, how much time we spend with the kids, and holding little Lourdes as much a possible. I know that both of us with be feeling more confident about Lulu's beating this disease when we get the OK to start this next phase of treatment.

I have a new obsession, Bret Michael's Trop.A.Rocka Iced Tea. Funny how I came acrossed this delightful liquid refresher. One night when I came to the family room to give my beautiful wife a "good night kiss and hug", I was intrigued by the TV show she was watching, and I just had to sit in on the action. I had heard of the TV series, The Celebrity Apprentice, but I had never really know anyone that had been following the show? I had never been a fan of Bret or the band Poison, but I just had to know what an aging, long haired, bandanna wearing rocker was doing on a TV show? I really thought that he was there as the Celebrity Apprentice we could all get a laugh out of because they were as out of place, and isn't fun to laugh at other's that we might have once idealized (or maybe still do)? Bret Michael's had substance. He impressed me with his creativity, ingenuity, leadership, and I dare say a Celebrity role model? After the show, I really wanted to test the diet Snapple flavor that he and his co-apprentice's touted as "tropical mango with a touch of peach flavor". Well, it took me a week of searching local stores to find the drink, but I'm sure glad that I finally found it. I can't really explain how the whole experience effected me, but I think about the show, the singer, and the drink daily. I guess the fact that anyone of us where we are famous or not can accomplish anything if we take chances, surround ourselves with the right people, and work hard at achieving our goals. Thanks Bret for opening one more creative space in my life (you can never have enough).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. I just became aware of your blog and didn't realize what your family has been going through. Our family admires your family so much and our daughters have grown up with Dr. Molina as their dentist. All our love and prayers go out to you.
    Love, Wes, Gayle, Lara and Anna Ayres
