Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lulu's message to all

It has been some crazy six months.
During this time I have learn to look at life, my faith, my family and friends in such a different way.
I knew that there is good, but I have been amaze of how amazing human kind is. It has been so humbling to feel the prayers, support and help we have received the last six months.

From praying for Lourdes, our family and I.
To cards, notes, treats, ~(like Holly water from the Virgin of Lourdes (WOW!), books, blankets)~ emails that has made my days and lift my spirits specially during those bad days that I keep to myself.
All those other things you all have done, like the way I know my kids are taken care of and love at school (like during Thomas Kinder graduation and more) and when with friends (specially during the summer times)..., complementary hotels stays, a great friend driving with me to a long medical appointment, beautiful scrap book pages for Lourdes album, free babysitting so I could go to the hospital to visit Lourdes for 4 hours in the morning during her long stay at the NICU, dropping off and giving us free formula for Lourdes, traveling from far (like Puerto Rico, Texas and CA) to be with me during chemo and to help with the kids, having the Swans driver drop a ton of yummy food, special rosary made/blessed for us, having a friends and family do the race for the cure with my name on their shirts...

To amazing and delicious meals that gave me the opportunity to spend more quality times with my kids and family without having to worry about what is for dinner tonight, groceries and the cooking. It all allow me to rest but also help the boys with their home work, go their baseball games, even attend breast cancer support groups.

For the support of my loving husband that has been by my side with hair and no hair days, during long drives, when I have felt tired and overwhelm. The sincere and giving spirit of my sisters and mom and all their encouragement and all their long distance trips to be here for my family and I . From in-laws that are there to help when we need the most. For the opportunity to get closer to distant relatives and for the opportunity to know them better and in a different light.

Thanks for all your advise and stories. They all have help and given me strength to endure some the difficult appointments and have made the decision making process easier.
Sorry that I have not quick to reply, but I will guaranty to all of you that I am grateful of all and all your kindness have made a difference during this journey.
I can feel how God has been walking by my side every step of the way and how he will be with me during this next step.

As a mother and wife I pray to Mary to help me be strong for my family and friends.
At the end of this journey we will all be different (I think we already are), there is no doubt that we will be closer to GOD.
The last six months have been the best time in my life.
Thanks to you all, Thanks for you friendship, support and specially prayers. Thanks for all you done...

I could not have done this without any of you.
God Bless,


  1. God Bless you through this next journey this week. Lots of love and prayers. Love, Natalie

  2. Lulu, Best of luck to you tomorrow with your surgery. I know that everything is going to go perfectly and you will face this with the strength and positive attitude that you have had the past six months! Much love and many hugs to you, J, and the boys!
    Tracy, Lance, and Landon Bruntz

  3. Lulu,
    Best wishes to a strong survivor and the kind I women I aspire to be.
    You are never alone through this, we have Gods ear and he hears all our prayers and you will be healed.
    Michelle Cunningham
