Today I'm grateful for...
Lulu feeling better daily
Loving caring kids
Grandma Nellie helping us
Long weekend
These last two days have been filled with sharing, praying, and healing. Lulu gets stronger each day, and she has much less pain then she thought she'd have. Yesterday she when out to get pictures taken of Lourdes, and some running around with her Mom and sister. I think that she over did it yesterday though, because today she tired and using today to rest. Lulu can't carry Lourdes or anything that ways over 10 pounds. She also can't drive for two weeks.
I want to thank all the parents of our patients at the office. I spent 2 hours calling patient's parents that are scheduled on December 2, because that is the day that UCSF scheduled Lulu for her post op follow-up from the surgery. I really want to be there to find out why the biopsies of the cancer that they found in the lymph nodes during last Tuesdays surgery. This appointment is so very important to the future for Lulu's battle with the insidious disease. Will she have to have more surgery? Will Lulu need additional chemotherapy treatments? How about the length of the radiation therapy, will the findings from the surgery change this? If any thing else I want to be there for my courageous wife. I'm so appreciative to the parents in which have been incredibly flexible with their children's appointments. All that we've been going through would have been so much more difficult with out parents support. Thank you!
Hang in there kids. Don't over do it. Need lots of rest after surgery. We love you! Aunt & Uncle