Today I'm happy for...
Getting to the end of a hectic week
Spending the whole night with Lourdes
Watching the Moon set in a starry sky
No allergies
I had one of the most enjoyable nights ever. The gift we call Lourdes and I spent the night on the couch in each other's arms. (I'm sure that Lulu's going to be jealous when she reads this) I was absorbing her little cute movements, sporadic breathing, and lovely features. How could Lulu and I have made this alluring baby? I was afraid to use the computer or answer emails on my phone, because I might miss a second of cuteness. She's on a set feeding schedule (Lulu has made a excel chart that we fill out daily with her time, amount, and medications every 4 hours). Last night, I gave Lourdes the bottle at her scheduled 8:30 PM, where she ate the whole 75 cc with the similarity of a hibernating bear after coming out of his 5 month winter slumber. I had 4 more hours until she should be ready for the next feeding, so I hunkered down with her on my warm chest for a four hour father/daughter love-fest. I just laid on the couch absorbed by the thoughts of how many times did I do this with each of the other kids? I couldn't remember any of the times that I might have had the wonderful experience that I was presently having? I was planning on enjoying every single second that I have with Lourdes. But I also vowed that I would share many more experiences with the boys also. This is how Lourdes and I stayed for the next 5.5 hours (with one bathroom stop a long the way). I really thought that I'd get to sleep by 1 PM after Lourdes had finished her 12:30 bottle, but she had other plans. 12:30 came and went with out a stir from her, and I promised myself that I would give her until 1 before I woke her for the feeding, but as 1 o'clock came and when, I she looked so comfortable and peaceful that I did want to wake her just yet. Finally, at around 2 PM Lourdes raised an eye lid and I pounced on my chance to get her hunger satisfied. After taking 30 minutes to get her to eat the bottle I finally got her into her bassinet at around 2:30, and I was exhausted as I climbed into bed next to Lulu.
I know that Lulu is feeling better, because she has been talking about returning to work the office. Yesterday she came to me with the idea that she could start to see some patients in early February. I know that means that either she is felling strong enough to think that she can make it through a day(s) treating kids, or that her happiness is dependent on her being part of the Dentistry for Kids practice again? We discussed this in depth, and she came to the conclusion that she needs the social interaction of the office to feel whole, and the sooner that she can again become part of the practice routine the better. I had mixed feelings about the revelation. First, will she come back too soon and not be able to fulfill her obligations to the patients and to the daily management of the office? Secondly, will she over do it, and wear her self down? But if I've learned anything through all of this, is my wife will ultimately follow her own path, and I should just support her during the journey. My only request is that she will give thought to the whole thing?