Lulu's been feeling OK so far two days after the first course of chemotherapy. Her sister gave her the Neulasta medication injection yesterday, which will be needed after every chemotherap y session to keep her white blood cell counts high to fight infections. Her younger sister, Ibis, is a dentist; so you would think that she's comfortable with giving shots, but I think she was worried about possibly injecting it the wrong way and wasting the $2500 each 20 cc injection costs? She gave the shot after much deliberatio ns and about 25 minutes for the whole event.
Last night Lulu woke feeling nauseous and took some medications to ward off the vomiting. She's having muscle and bone aches, but she was told to be expect this in that first 72 hours post first infusion treatment. She has kept her appetite so far, but certain smells cause her a queasy stomach.
She has talked again about the best way to loose her hair; let it fall out naturally, cut it off when it starts to fall out, get a head scarf, or get a wig. I wish I could help her with the choice, but only she can decide what's the best for her? I did tell her that I would cut off my hair (what little I have, it's grey but I have some) when she loses her hair, but I wasn't going for the blond wig like she was talking about wearing after she lost her hair! I'm sure that Dr. Wilkerson not having hair would cause quite a stir around the kids at Dentistry for Kids???
Lulu' s taking her mom tonight to see Baby Lourdes and give her a bath. Lourdes did not have the best night on the low flow O2. They told us that she had 5 or 6 bradycardic events through the night, and they needed to return her to the high flow oxygen. So much for the small win yesterday, but it's all in the plight that's been her first 6 weeks of life. I hope that Lourdes does well (no bradycardic events or desaturatio ns for Lulu and Grandma tonight?).
As it gets later in the evening, I'm getting excited about going into the office and seeing patients tomorrow. I changed the office schedule to accommodate me spending both more time with my wife, and my baby in the intensive care unit. I just appreciate the patient's and their parents that have been so understandi ng about the schedule changes, and so supportive of both Lulu and I during this difficult time. I also have to commend my team of employees. They have had to deal with the changes and make the necessary adjustments to their routines They are such a large part of why Dentistry for Kids has been successful beyond our dreams. Without our great patients, parents, and staff we could never have gotten to where we are.
Thanks to you all!!!
Last night Lulu woke feeling nauseous and took some medications to ward off the vomiting. She's having muscle and bone aches, but she was told to be expect this in that first 72 hours post first infusion treatment. She has kept her appetite so far, but certain smells cause her a queasy stomach.
She has talked again about the best way to loose her hair; let it fall out naturally, cut it off when it starts to fall out, get a head scarf, or get a wig. I wish I could help her with the choice, but only she can decide what's the best for her? I did tell her that I would cut off my hair (what little I have, it's grey but I have some) when she loses her hair, but I wasn't going for the blond wig like she was talking about wearing after she lost her hair! I'm sure that Dr. Wilkerson not having hair would cause quite a stir around the kids at Dentistry for Kids???
As it gets later in the evening, I'm getting excited about going into the office and seeing patients tomorrow. I changed the office schedule to accommodate me spending both more time with my wife, and my baby in the intensive care unit. I just appreciate the patient's and their parents that have been so understandi
Thanks to you all!!!
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