Today I'm grateful for...
Get a couple of hours for myself
Going to My Gym with Hamilton
Having a home to live in
Eating more healthy
Lulu spend much of the morning at the hospital with Lourdes. Lulu has been taking some anti-nausea medications because she said that the chemo was making her feel sick. At home she wears a skull cap to cover her bald head, and give her a break from the wig. I'm still amazed at the natural look Lulu gets with the wig? I swear when you see her, you would be hard pressed to know whether she's wearing the wig or has grown back her own hair?
She's feeling well enough to take the boys (all three of them to the movies this afternoon), and I'm going to see the cute girl at the NICU. I'm looking forward to see if she'll eat more then 10 ml from the bottle for me? (this is the record for daddy). Tonight I'm going to take a photo of Lourdes with the "build-a-be ar" that Thomas made her (see the picture posted in the photos gallery), so everyone can get a better idea of just how much she has grown since June 1st.? I look forward to our private time together.
I got some news from Lulu today. Lulu's older sister, Tia Doris and daughter Natalia, will be meeting Lulu, I, and the kids in SF next Wednesday. Either Doris or I will be attending the chemotherap y appointment s with Lulu, as the other one will spend time exploring the city with the all the kids. I really want to do both, but I'm going to trump Lulu's sister on being with her for treatment appointment s (I hope?). I'm sure that the kids will have fun going to the aquarium, zoo, and exploratori um. I'm glad that Lulu wants to include the kids for this trip, and only Lourdes is going to be left out of the fun. I think this trip will help the boys understand what and why their mommy's doing every other week? We debating on whether or not having Carter go with his mom to the cancer clinic? As parents we have this dilemma. How much to share with are kids about their mommy's condition. I'm going to let Lulu make the final decision on how to approach this?
Lulu and my relationshi p has gotten so much stronger through all these trials. We have been communicati ng really well, and those small issues that used to derail us have all but disappeared. There's always something positive to find in all the negative. I have found myself really believing in the power of prayer with a lot of positive thinking thrown in. I know that Lulu has shown me many times through the years, and for that I love her.
Get a couple of hours for myself
Going to My Gym with Hamilton
Eating more healthy
Lulu spend much of the morning at the hospital with Lourdes. Lulu has been taking some anti-nausea medications because she said that the chemo was making her feel sick. At home she wears a skull cap to cover her bald head, and give her a break from the wig. I'm still amazed at the natural look Lulu gets with the wig? I swear when you see her, you would be hard pressed to know whether she's wearing the wig or has grown back her own hair?
She's feeling well enough to take the boys (all three of them to the movies this afternoon), and I'm going to see the cute girl at the NICU. I'm looking forward to see if she'll eat more then 10 ml from the bottle for me? (this is the record for daddy). Tonight I'm going to take a photo of Lourdes with the "build-a-be
I got some news from Lulu today. Lulu's older sister, Tia Doris and daughter Natalia, will be meeting Lulu, I, and the kids in SF next Wednesday. Either Doris or I will be attending the chemotherap
Lulu and my relationshi
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